Head lice are one of the most common problems that children usually face. These are small tiny insects that live on the scalp of the human body and even produce eggs. These are easily transferable through hair. Most children get them through schools or their daycare.
Lice feed on human blood through the scalp. One can feel itchiness and irritation when they bite or crawl around on our scalp. So the treatment of head lice is a must. Lice is a very common problem in Huston. Around 6-12 million cases are filled each year, and the number seems to increase every year because it is easily transferable. The weather also plays a big role in the spread of lice in Huston because of the warm weather.
Why Choose Lice Doctor, Huston?
They exclusively provide Lice treatment services. All of their techniques are performed undertake the guidance of a professional. They provide seven-day services, day or night; you just have to make an appointment prior. They take complete responsibility for removing every louse, and their eggs will relieve you from all your itchiness. They also provide a 30-day guarantee, so if within 30 days you face any problem, you can freely contact them. They save your time by driving at your house, and they are available all day every day, working according to your schedule and leaving you with minimum stress. They have treated almost half a million patients safely and leaving them with satisfaction.
Treatment By Lice Doctors, Huston
A lot of doctors provide at-home services for lice problems in Huston and nearby cities. At home, services help avoid contact with someone, which lowers the chances of a transfer. It also saves time putting the child in a car and dragging them to a clinic because many children don’t like doctors. Most treatments take only one hour, and it kills all the lice. Any chemical and toxic liquid is avoided during the treatment because a child’s body is very sensitive.
Pricing of Lice Doctors, Huston
- In most cases, the treatment costs $199 for one hour, which is quite reasonable for at-home services.
- If the treatment is taking time, in that case, the price will increase by $120 every hour.
- They also provide family offers because it’s easily transferable, unduly the charges are between $350 to $400 for a family of 4.
Choose what’s best for your child and your family. The lice doctors Houston will take care of your every problem from start to end.