Beginner’s Guide for Dummies Learn the Basic of Essay Writing

Beginner’s Guide for Dummies: Learn the Basic of Essay Writing

Writing an essay is everybody’s academic enemy. Don’t be scared, as long as you know the basics and the right method for the process, it can boost your writing confidence and you’ll get an outstanding output.

This article assumes that you already have a topic or a subject with you, so below are some useful tips that might help you plan and improve your skills when writing an essay.

There are three important components of an essay that you need to know in order to have a good result:

  • Introduction
  • Body
  • Conclusion

This article will explain the above detail below.

Component of an Essay: Introduction 

Just like any other film or a show, the introduction should be catchy and could easily grab the attention of your readers. You can try stating an interesting fact, questions, or news which is relevant to your subject or topic.

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The purpose of writing an introduction is for your readers to know what the essay is all about. Write a short but informative introduction on what could be the essay is all about. The ending sentence of the introduction is your main idea. Because after the last sentence of the introduction is the body of your essay.

Component of an Essay: Body 

The body is the most important part of an essay and you should always take precautions when writing this part. It is made of a group of paragraphs, it is the section where you must write all the information about your subject. But always remember, a paragraph should strictly have a one sub-topic only. Having two or three sub-topic on a paragraph might cause confusion to the readers.

Start with the introduction of your sub-topic, then provide supporting details such as opinions, studies, facts, or analysis and make sure that at the end of the paragraph is the sub-topics conclusion. Don’t forget to use connecting phrases such as, in addition to, moreover, furthermore, additionally, and so on. You may also use transitional phrases such as, however, nonetheless, otherwise, likewise, to help you conclude an idea.

Component of an Essay: Conclusion

 Same with the introduction, a conclusion should be appealing to the readers. It is the section where it sums up all the information and idea of the subject. You must keep the conclusion as clear as possible. Do not add any additional sub-topic or new ideas to the conclusion part, because it might confuse the readers. Instead, summarize the main key points of the idea in a short and brief sentence only to make a huge impact on the readers.

Nowadays, the essay becomes an essential part of the academic process in the whole world whether you’re a student or a professional. If you need help with essays, there are lots of good Essay Writing Service you can find on the internet, and they offer high-quality essays for their clients.